


Note globale : ★★★★ Avis certifiés

4 avis | 236 Abonnés

N°72 en sur 93 entreprises

Anonyme, eFront, International marketing Assistant

“ I worked 6 months at eFront ”

Avis déposé le 21/05/2014

Note globale : ★★★★

Salaire / Avantages ★★★★★

Evolution de carrières ★★★★★

Management ★★★★★

Culture ★★★★

Equilibre vie pro / privée ★★★★

Assessment: 6 months.

Skills obtained: The events organisation, the internal and external communication, negotiation.

Highlights of the company: Products are marketed for Front Invest.

Which I appreciated: International culture, the multi cultural, young, my marketing and lead generation team working atmosphere.