Bouygues Telecom

Bouygues Telecom

Corporate finance


Note globale : ★★★★ Avis certifiés

14 avis | 592 Abonnés

N°18 en Corporate finance sur 1010 entreprises

Anonyme, Bouygues Telecom, Responsible for management control

“ A strong corporate culture is that it is a very engaging society ”

Avis déposé le 09/06/2015

Note globale : ★★★★

Salaire / Avantages ★★★★

Evolution de carrières ★★★★

Management ★★★★

Culture ★★★★★

Equilibre vie pro / privée ★★★★

Assessment:the past at Bouygues Telecom 14 years have been very rewarding in its professional but also human. Bouygues Telecom brought me a lot and I am partly to realize my project: return to Brittany

Skills obtained:management, SAP, project management, transverse animations, working in teams

Advantages: A strong corporate culture is that it is a very engaging society
always a friendly atmosphere and managers allowing collaborators to evolve. the evidence from my experience

Disadvantage:a tendency to add additional topics without renouncing everything by decreasing the effectfis

Advice to the company:be more tuned to the employees on the customer experience. customers themselves, their return is very important