Informatique Banque Populaire

Informatique Banque Populaire


Note globale : ★★★★ Avis certifiés

10 avis | 427 Abonnés

N°17 en sur 93 entreprises

Damien K, Informatique Banque Populaire, Technician EDI

“ I really liked the management ”

Avis déposé le 03/02/2015

Note globale : ★★★★

Salaire / Avantages ★★★★

Evolution de carrières ★★★★★

Management ★★★★

Culture ★★★★

Equilibre vie pro / privée ★★★★★

Assessment: I was technician EDI (exchanges of data interchange) thus in service support. Following the arrival of the transfers and SEPA direct debits, they needed reinforcement to inform and migrate customers pros using the software of the BPN (Turbo Suite business).
Need to call each professional, inform them, respond to questions and concerns about the changeover to SEPA. Then, conclude the direct migration of their software or by telephone appointment in order to later by phone with the client.
For small clients, migration could occur in 15 minutes max then depending on the size of the database, the account number, and so on until 45 minutes see 1 hour. Sometimes it was necessary to perform a few tests with the customer who wanted to ensure the good functioning of the migration.
Another migration, should be also established conventions for customers who had samples so that they can continue during the transition to SEPA. For establishing a convention, should do the research because some customers had several companies, sometimes even large company. This is why it was necessary that it be in good and due form, otherwise the client would have been blocked to emit its levies.
When the client software other that that of the BPN, should ensure the compatibility of files sent and then if problem, analysands and in finding a solution to the problem.
Also, it happened I called specific clients when a threat was detected on their account or their connection to the website of the Bank. Need to notify the customer that the system had put together us an alert after their last visit to the site and needed to take certain measures. Then I indicated them procedures, I gave them advice, was checking that it not had been fraud on their account, etc.

Skills obtained: I was able to improve my ability to listen to better identify problems and deepen my capacity for analysis that this is a problem, a research or an EDI file (my bases in programming helped me alot on the latter). I also think I have now a speech more reassuring a problem, the fact that customers were a little reinterpreting the SEPA and that procedures would become a little more complex. But as it was a European directive, no one had the choice and it was therefore necessary to reassure the client explaining the details without either make him afraid.

Strengths and weaknesses : point, I would say the reputation of the company and its extended, because many professionals go through the BPN. Then to be divided into several regions, this makes it possible to have better customer service and to deal with customers in a defined area. The client had the same people and they liked. In the service when I was a customer problem was directly addressed during his appeal and resolved quickly, the same day except in special cases, but teams are mobilized.
Weak point, communication between agencies and headquarters. Sometimes the advisers were not aware of some information about products or the changes SEPA compared to us. On the computer, this problem is the fact of not being able to install some software that could be useful and save time. For a small simple application, need to make a request and the time that everything should be considered (which is understandable point of view security) there were several weeks of past.

What you have more or less appreciated: I like the management, the remarks and opinions were taken into account during the meetings. We could give our opinions without the wrath and thus to build things together. Take into account the remarks of the people first online did a lot for a company.
The atmosphere was very good also, although he had the world in society, everyone is spoken. This is the first time that I was in a company or during a break, a meal, I could discuss with individuals highly placed without feeling less (once at work, each reclaims its place of course). People are human and that's a lot on the motivation and morale.

Advice for the company: More communication between Headquarters and the agency having an opinion of persons in first line on what to communicate (to say where you have to caution, see the spots, etc.).